Wednesday, March 24, 2010

South x South OVER

It's a bitter sweet feeling, of my favorite event of the year, SXSW being over. It was also my second week working for Vitamin Water. So between running around to all the different events VW was sponsoring, dropping off product and making sure our banners and product was visible, it was a hard week working. On the other hand, I got to meet a lot of great people, bands and celebrities.

The music this year was incredible. I was able to take in Miike Snow, Crash Kings, Empires, Poverty Hash, Voxhaul Broadcast, Saint Bernadette, several DJ's and many more. There is a style and flavor of music for everyone out there. I definitely think everyone should check out the ones I listed though, b/c I personally met everyone of them and they are all super nice people! Check them out.....they're all the next big thing ;-)

Ok, here is the most exciting thing that happened to me all week...... Ashley Greene, a/k/a Alice from Twilight, was in town for her new movie Skateland, and I just happen to run into her at Lamberts. Not only did I get to meet the director and producer of the movie, but Ashley and I talked for about 10 minutes and THEN she gave me a hug and said "It was nice to meet you"! I played it really cool, but I was freaking out inside. She is as sweet as she is beautiful. I also ran across Ashton Kutcher, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. So all in all SxSW was a huge week for me! Sad it's over, but totally catching up on sleep this week. 

Let's not forget about my favorite holiday that happened last week amongst the craziness of the festival.  
St. Patrick's Day!!!
I actually celebrated it the the Saturday before with 3 of my best friends in Dallas. It was a blast! I mean, this is basically my holiday since my last name is Green and all:) Hope all you lil leprechaun's had a good day!!!

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Biggest Event in Austin is upon us!

Yes, that's right, SXSW 2010 is here, So starting this Friday all you Austinites that hate traffic should avidly avoid downtown March 12-21. I, on the other hand, love these two weeks and will be fully submersed in all the action! Live music is what we're known for and this week is the epitome for it. I highly suggest to dive right in and experience it at least once. The movie premieres are really cool too. I have all my events lined up that I want t attend and Vitamin Water has it's events I will be attending too. It's going to be a fun filled two weeks, not to mention St. Patty's day. Wheeeew it's going to be a whirl wind but a friggin blast!

Over the past few years, this thing called "Sunday Funday" has become huge among college students and people in their 20's like me. I usually don't partake, due to me loving sleep and needing a day to recover before the next work week, but this past Sunday I did & I must say it was a blast. Bottomless mimosas, tons of laughing, great friends and hilarious stories. I think most people just like the rhyming of Sunday Funday, b/c it is fun to say, try it, haha! Well be adventurous one Sunday and  get out and relive your weekend through stories with great friends and create more. Once a month won't kill you. Remember you only have one life, enjoy it:)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tic, Tac, Toe, DC, NYC & Chi Town in a row!

I recently got back from a two week trip to our Nation's Capital, The Big Apple and the Windy City. I had never been to any of these cities before and I must say I loved them all for different reasons...

Washington D.C.~The city is BEAUTIFUL. The architecture, monuments, Arlington cemetery and memorials are just awing. Also, all the history there is just so interesting like the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and think of all the powerful speeches that have been given there over the past 200 years. The Smithsonian Museums are really fun and not to mention free! I would have to say it's the cheapest city to be a tourist in b/c 85% of things to do there is free. This is my favorite picture I took. It's the Washington Monument.

Chicago~Thank you Chi Town for not being windy while I was there and sparing me! I was super nervous about this town b/c I absolutely hate the cold. In all honesty though it wasn't that bad.
Just wear the right clothes and it's fine. There wasn't as much touristy stuff to do here like in the other two cities. I basically fit it all in, in a day and a half. The reflecting bean was probably my favorite. It's just so neat! The only thing I would have done differently was make sure I was there for St. Patty's Day b/c it's HUGE in this city. This is my favorite shot taken from the Signature Room at sunset.

New York City~You hold my heart right now. Don't believe it when when you hear that people in NYC are mean. I met/made the most friends while I was there. Everyone was super nice and wanting to help or talk to me. It's such a fast paced city and I love it! There's always something going on and someone new to meet. Public transportation=awesome. I actually like using it and would love not having to worry about a car and parking. I seriously want to move there for a year or so. I never thought I would say that. I always thought I was a California girl, but no, I am a "city that never sleeps" girl. Next year at this time I want to be in a small cramped apt. and loving it:)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My first blogging experience...

The definition....


nciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site
blog·ger noun
blog·ging noun
I've always been one of those people who start keeping a journal and it never lasts too long. I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with this and post my thoughts about me, current events, the world, pictures and life in general. Never anything too personal though, b/c seriously that would be weird. I don't need strangers all up in my business. Though I'm sure I would love you all. Anyways, here's to my first blog post and keeping up with it. Cheers:) 
